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Summer breeze wallpaper

Create Summer breeze wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

This tutorial shows you how to design summer wallpaper.

In this case firstly it’s necessary to create a new file (File>New) with 1280×1024 px and 72 dpi. Select after that the Rectangle Tool (U) to stretch down the rectangle, applying for it the parameters demonstrated below. Blending Options>Gradient Overlay

Create Summer breeze wallpaper in  Photoshop CS3

Create Summer breeze wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

We need to get the same image from below.

Create Summer breeze wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create a new layer on which we shall apply the Brush Tool (B) with the Opacity of 40% to represent a patch of white color.

Create Summer breeze wallpaper  in Photoshop CS3

Create Summer breeze wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Give the parameters for the new layer, indicated in the Layers’ Palette.
Blending Mode - Overlay

Create Summer breeze wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

We’ll get the next demonstrated picture:

Create Summer breeze wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Using the Pen Tool (P), try to draw a kind of wave from the next picture, having the color #BBD772

Create Summer breeze wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Select for this layer the next parameters:

Create Summer breeze wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

This way the wave blends nice into our background.

Create Summer breeze wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Next step includes drawing one more wave.

Create  Summer breeze wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create Summer breeze wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

And the third last one:

Create Summer breeze  wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create Summer breeze wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Select after that your photo. It’s a girl demonstrated on our picture.

Create Summer breeze wallpaper in Photoshop  CS3

Cut out the person of the background and then choose the Eraser Tool (E). Apply the Magic Eraser Tool (E) on the hair just not to move off accidentally a part of the hair. Then insert the cut picture on our basic background.

Create  Summer breeze wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Set the next demonstrated parameters for the layer containing the photo:
Blending Options>Outer Glow

Create Summer breeze wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Blending Options>Inner Glow

Create Summer breeze  wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

We need to get the same model:

Create Summer breeze  wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Select once again the Pen Tool (P) to draw a spiral around the girl.

Create Summer breeze wallpaper  in Photoshop CS3

Set the next parameters for each of the three demonstrated spiral’s elements:
Blending Options>Outer Glow

Create Summer breeze wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

We’ll get the same picture:

Create Summer  breeze wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Download out of Internet a set of ready to use brushes for Adobe Photoshop, named GVL Funky Flower Brush

Create Summer breeze wallpaper  in Photoshop CS3

On this stage we need to represent arbitrary a composition made of different flowers of different sizes.

Create  Summer breeze wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Give this layer the next shown parameters:

Create Summer breeze wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create Summer breeze wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

This is what we’ve got on the final stage!