Create a new file (File>New), having 1280×1024 px and 72 dpi.
Select then the Rectangle Tool (U) to represent the background of the picture we want to have.
Set the next parameters on the made layer by making a click on this layer on the layers’ palette.
Blending Options>Gradient Overlay
Gradient’s parameters:
We have to find in Internet a photo of a DJ.
Cut out his figure and put him on the main picture, applying for the DJ’s layer the next solution:
Filter>Filter gallery>Cutout
Make a copy of the DJ layer, situating the copy lower than the first layer (on the layers’ palette). We should set for this new layer - copy the next shown parameters: Blending Options>Color Overlay
Hide for a while the first layer belonging to the DJ.
Next we should make visible the first layer of the DJ, applying for it the next indicated parameters:
Blending mode-Overlay
Blending Options>Outer Glow
Blending Options>Stroke
Gradient’s parameters:
Hide for a while again both layers this time of the same DJ. Create a new layer that must be positioned under the DJ’s layers. The new layer should be painted in white with the Paint Bucket Tool (G). Use after that the Brush Tool (B) to draw a brushstroke of black color.
Set the next parameters for the layer: Filter>Pixelate>Color Halftone
Set also the next option: Select>Color Range (eyedropper on the white color)
Press OK and the Delete button. Select after that the Free Transform option to move the patch on the right bottom corner, setting the next parameters for the element. Blending Options>Color Overlay
Make visible now both DJ’s layers:
Make one more copy of the red patch’s layer from the right bottom corner. Select after that the Free Transform option to place the copy on the left bottom corner.
Select on this stage the Custom Shape Tool (U) to represent several rays of white color, placed lower than the DJ’s layers.
Set the next demonstrated parameters for the layer containing the rays: Fill 33%
Blending mode-Color Dodge
Make a mouse click on Add a Mask option on the same layer from the bottom part of the layer’s palette. Select then the Gradient Tool (G) to dark out the lowest half of the rays.
Make another copy of the layer containing the red patch from the right bottom corner of the picture. Select the Free Transform option to place the copy on the left top corner.
Create now a new layer that must be placed upper than the rays’ layer, but lower than the DJ’s layers.
Download out of Internet a set of ready to use brushes for Adobe Photoshop, named: Swirls_And_Flowers_Brushes_PS_by_Coby17.
On the new layer we shall apply the brushes of white color.
Create one more new layer (Create new layer), using on it the Brush Tool (B) out of the above mentioned brushes’ set. The brushes have the white color too.
Choose the same parameters from below for the last made layer: Blending mode-Overlay
Next we should create a loud speaker, choosing the Ellipse Tool (U).
The layer’s parameters: Blending Options>Bevel and Emboss
Blending Options>Gradient Overlay
Gradient’s parameters:
Blending Options>Stroke
Using the same instrument, try to make the next layer of the loud speaker.
The layer’s parameters: Blending Options>Bevel and Emboss
Blending Options>Gradient Overlay
Gradient’s parameters:
Next we shall draw the inside element of the same loud speaker, applying the same tool and black color.
The layer’s parameters: Blending Options>Bevel and Emboss
The layer’s parameters: Blending Options>Gradient Overlay
Gradient’s parameters:
Using the Ellipse Tool (U), it’s possible to represent four black rivets on the speaker’s corpse.
Make a copy of the layer containing the red patch situated on the right bottom corner of the picture. Change the layer’s color on white and then choose again the Free Transform option to situate the copy as below:
Set for this layer Fill 70%.
Make three copies of the layer containing the white patch on the left bottom corner. Select the Free Transform option to make some changes on the copies’ sizes, placing them the same way demonstrated next picture:
Create a new layer again on which we shall use the Brush Tool (B) out of the set Swirls_And_Flowers_Brushes_PS_by_Coby17
On the last stage we shall represent several shining fires. In this case we have to create a new layer, using on it the standard brush.
Select the next parameters for the layer containing the fires.
Blending Options>Gradient Overlay
Gradient’s parameters:
The final result!