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2009 Multi-colored effects

A simple walkthrough on how to create a colored text effects in Adobe Photoshop, which can then be used as an element in your designs.

Firstly we need to create a new file (File>New), having 1280×1024 px and 72 dpi. Select after that the Paint Bucket Tool (G) to fill the new file with black color.

2009 Multi-colored text  effect in Photoshop CS3

Next write the date of the New Year with separate ciphers, applying the Horizontal Type Tool (T).

2009 Multi-colored text  effect in Photoshop CS3

The text needs to be edited as the next example shows it:

2009 Multi-colored text effect in Photoshop CS3

Each layer needs to have the Opacity of 80%.

2009 Multi-colored text effect in Photoshop CS3

It’s the result you should get:

2009 Multi-colored text  effect in Photoshop CS3

Set for the first cipher 2 the next Blending Options>Gradient Overlay by making a mouse click on this layer on the layers’ palette.

2009 Multi-colored text effect in Photoshop  CS3

Set the next demonstrated gradient:

2009 Multi-colored  text effect in Photoshop CS3

It’s the result you should get:

2009 Multi-colored text  effect in Photoshop CS3

Pass to the next cipher:

2009 Multi-colored text effect in  Photoshop CS3

The ciphers get a smooth gradient:

2009 Multi-colored  text effect in Photoshop CS3

Set the appropriate gradient for the rest of the ciphers:

2009 Multi-colored text effect in Photoshop CS3

2009 Multi-colored text effect in Photoshop CS3

It’s the result we’ll get:

2009 Multi-colored text effect  in Photoshop CS3

Represent the same ciphers above the previous made ones, the same way you may see below:

2009 Multi-colored text effect in Photoshop  CS3

Mark out the colored date by pressing Ctlr+Left Click on the layers’ palette. Then press Ctrl+E for the layers to be put together into a single one. Make a copy of the layer we’ve got (Ctrl+J). Then select the option Filter>Blur>Motion Blur, setting the next parameters for the copied layer:

2009 Multi-colored text effect in Photoshop CS3

Place the layer we’ve got under the primary ciphers containing the gradient. Set the Opacity on 72%.

2009 Multi-colored text effect in Photoshop CS3

Next select a copy applying on it the next indicated parameters:

2009 Multi-colored text effect in Photoshop CS3

Place the new result above the copied layer. Set the Opacity on 54% and the Blending mode- Saturation

2009 Multi-colored text effect in Photoshop CS3

The layer containing the cipher 2 gets an opaque transition to 0 cipher. In this case we’ll select the Eraser Tool (E) with the Opacity of 10%. Make a click on the cipher and press Ok, erasing very accurately the edge of the 2 cipher.

2009 Multi-colored text effect in Photoshop CS3

The last operation we have to do is the reflection effect. Make copies of all the layers (Ctrl+J), except the background’s one and put them together. After that, turn them around by vertical position (Ctrl+T). Next take the Eraser Tool (E) and erase a little the bottom part of the text as it is shown on the next picture.

2009 Multi-colored text effect in  Photoshop CS3
